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This is Tim.
Tim is the drummer for The Champion And His Burning Flame.
Tim and I randomly connected when he moved to Denver, and The Champion And His Burning Flame quickly became one of my favorite bands. You know how you sometimes just really connect with a song? I really connected with Deep The Forest Does Go.
My life has been making art, and at the same time making art that can pay the bills. But a funny thing happens when you tie your passion to your income. Sometimes you become more of a service provider than an artist. Deep The Forest Does Go, to me, is a phrase and a song that connected with me on this topic. That in my art, there is much deeper levels than just what I share from a business perspective. And that my art & photography is all about exploring people on deeper levels than they normally are presented.
Deep The Forest is my outlet where I'm not bound by anything, really. Just exploring mediums, connecting with people, and sharing what comes. It is also a tribute to one of my favorite songs by some of my favorite musicians.
Thank you The Champion And His Burning Flame for giving me permission to use your creative work with my own.
Now go buy their album - http://thechampionandhisburningflame.bandcamp.com/album/the-sower